God Is Love Part 9

Aug 10th 2015

Chris Brannon continues through 1 John as he speaks on disconnecting ourselves from dying things.  We, as Christians, need to be in the world, but not of it!  The essence of worldliness is the craving of sinful man, the lust of the eyes and the boasting of what he has and does.  We must learn to discern the internal before we can clearly understand the pull of the environment.  John specified three well-known phrases that highlights the world’s false outlook:  desires of the flesh, desires of the eyes and pride of life.  How do you define yourself?  We should identify with Christ and His definition of greatness: the humble, the servant.  Chris asks us two questions to think about:

1. Which of these three areas of worldliness affect you the most?  How?

2. What do you plan to do about it?

God Is Love Preaching Series