God Is Love Part 10

Aug 24th 2015

Chris Brannon continues our God Is Love series, looking deeper into 1 John 2:18-27.  In this passage, John is not talking about the antichrist as an individual person, but as anyone who is “against the gospel of Christ”.  There are many religions out there that attack Christ and diminish Him and His work.  Chris explains six great lies that are in the church today:  overemphasis of prosperity, antinomianism, egocentric gospel, challenging the authority of the Word, rejecting Hell, and universal reconciliation.  When trying to stay in the truth, there are five questions to ask:

1.  Is it absolutely scriptural?

2. Does it point to Christ alone?

3. Is it anchored in grace apart from works?

4. Does it depend on faith rather than human effort?

5. Does it honor God?

God Is Love Preaching Series