God Is Love Part 13

Sep 14th 2015

People talk about being spiritual, but what spirit are they following?  Chris Brannon speaks on the need for spiritual discernment and how to know what’s truth.  Lies can take many forms: obviously false, mostly true, conforming to cultural norms, true but emphasizing the wrong thing and right words, wrong meaning.  Listen as Chris describes what these lies are how we need to learn to use discernment.  He also gives us A.W. Tozer’s 7 tests of how to test the spirits:

  1. How does the teaching affect my relationship with God? Is He magnified and glorified, or diminished?
  2. How does the teaching affect my attitude toward the Lord Jesus Chris? Does it magnify Him and give Him first place? Or, does it subtly shift my focus onto myself or some experience?
  3. How does the teaching affect my attitude toward Scripture? Did the teaching come from and agree with the Word? Does it increase my love for the Word?
  4. How does the teaching affect my self-life? Does it feed self or crucify it? Does it feed pride or humility?
  5. How does the teaching affect my relationships to other Christians? Does it cause me to withdraw, find fault and exalt myself in superiority? Or, does it lead me to genuine love for all that truly know Christ?
  6. How does the teaching affect my relationship to the world system? Does it lead me to pursue the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life? Does it lead me to pursue worldly riches, reputation, and pleasures? Or, does it crucify the world to me?
  7. How does the teaching affect my attitude toward sin? Does it cause me to tolerate sin in my life or to turn from it and grow in holiness? Any teaching that makes holiness more acceptable and sin more intolerable is genuine.

God Is Love Preaching Series