Majestic Part 2

Jun 07th 2016

Our practices are shaped by our understanding of who God is.  Chris Brannon continues in our Majestic series by speaking on some of the attributes of God.  He specifically dives into the attribute of the sufficiency of God and prayer.  God is necessary for us!  Are you self-reliant or God-reliant?  Self-reliance cuts out God from our lives, leaving us relying on ourselves instead of God.  We should have total dependence in God and come to a place of surrender that acknowledges that we can do nothing without Him.  How do you handle your problems?  Do you panic, complain, raise your fists in the air and shout to God?  Or do you go to the Lord in prayer, humility, praise, and trust, refusing to give fear and worry any place?  Prayer is a struggle for many people, but it is merely talking to our Father, laying out our burdens before the One who cares and can do something about them.  If you find yourself feeling down or worn out, just tell God, “I’m done!”, and truly give it to Him!  Acknowledge that you need Him and can’t do anything apart from Him.  Pray!!

Majestic Preaching Series