Satisfied Part 2 – Belonging

Mar 06th 2017
Graham Church

God is a personal God and calls you by name!  Justin Henderson continues in our Satisfied sermon series by speaking on belonging.  He shows us how God calls us by name, meets with us and speaks truth to our souls that causes life change.  We look a little deeper into the life of Zacchaeus to see how God calls us, even if we don’t think we belong.  Justin leaves us with a challenge to look at seven ways to ensure that there’s never an outsider in this church: Notice others, get to know them, meet with them, love them unconditionally, speak life into them, allow God to bring transformation and welcome them into the family of God. Join us Sundays at our new location: 25713 70th Ave. E, Graham WA 98338 at 10am!

Satisfied Preaching Series