I Am Part 6 – I Am The Way

May 21st 2017
Graham Church

Jesus is the Way because He is the Truth and the Life!  Chris Brannon continues in our “I Am” series with John 14:1-6.  We all have a longing, or a calling, for home and we need to remember where our ultimate home is.  The resolution of this calling for home is only found through Christ because He is the Way.  Our way home is blocked by sin, but Jesus, and only Jesus, breaks through those obstacles!  Chris shows us how we can be sure that Jesus is truly the only way to the Father and gives us some counterfeit paths to be aware of.  Heaven is our ultimate home and when we find the Way, we find our home.  The assurance of heaven should be a powerful motivation for our every day lives!

We are all on this pilgrimage towards the Father’s house – our true home and we begin this journey when we trust in Jesus for our salvation because He is the only way.  We continue this journey by learning more truth about Jesus and the Father.  Jesus is the way, the only way, to heaven and heaven in our final home.  Join us next Sunday as we continue in this powerful series about who Jesus tells us He is!

I Am Preaching Series