I Am Part 7 – I Am the Vine

May 28th 2017
Graham Church

What is it, for you, that steals your affection for Jesus?  True living comes from fruit bearing for Christ.  Chris Brannon continues in our “I Am” series in John 15:1, where Jesus says that He is the true vine.  He explains to us what kind of fruit we are talking about:  it represents people that we will lead to Christ, how we pour our lives into people to help disciple and lead them to maturity in the faith, growing our personal holiness and encouraging the process of sanctification, the fruit of the Spirit, joyful and generous giving, and praise and worship that flows naturally from a deep and vibrant growing relationship with Jesus.  Fruit bearing is the result of abiding in Christ and Chris explains the necessity of pruning.  What is it, for you, that fuels and stirs up your passion for Jesus?

I Am Preaching Series