I Am Part 8 – I Am The Alpha and Omega

Jun 07th 2017
Graham Church

God was and is and always will be.  All that He is always has been!  Chris Brannon wraps up our “I Am” series with Revelation 21: 1-8.  In Revelation 21:6, God identifies himself as “Alpha and Omega”.  Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and omega is the last.  In other words, God is the beginning and the end.  God is the absolute beginning and there was never a time that He was not.  He didn’t emerge from anything, but everything emerged out of Him.  God is also the Omega, or the end.

Life truly begins when we find ourselves in Him.  Up to that point, we are existing, but not truly alive.  Chris gives us some points on developing our thirst for God:  We must realize the futility of the pursuits of this world, We must understand the emptiness of sinful pleasure, we must understand our true identity, we must re-center our lives around the things of true value, and we must set our minds on things from above.

I Am Preaching Series