Foundations Part 5 – Together-Transformation by the Holy Spirit

Nov 05th 2017

Transformation by the Holy Spirit is like the opposite of an earthquake: He transforms devastation to healing.  Tom Maus continues in our Foundations series by talking about transformation by the Holy Spirit.  The first church vividly depicts a progression of empowerment:

God takes nothingness and creates purpose out of it.

He takes brokenness and brings forth healing out of it.

He takes weak people and empowers them with His might.

He takes blundering individuals and joins them together in a family where His power and presence dwells and through which nothingness and brokenness of people’s lives can be                                 transformed.

Today we are supposed to continue in this power.  There are two ways that Holy Spirit empowerment contributes to transformation:

People are transformed as a result of coming into contact with God working through us.

We are transformed as a result of God working through us.

Tom wraps up his sermon by telling us how we should take this and respond to it.  We need to acknowledge that we need the Holy Spirit, receive the Holy Spirit and lean into the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Foundations Preaching Series