We live in this bubble, this Terrarium called Earth. Chris Brannon gives a special Easter sermon on why Easter is so significant. We stumble and bumble through searching, trying and sometimes finding some sense of real satisfaction. The problem is, we find out that it is just a short-term fix. Once the fulfillment factor has died down, we’re off on another search, trying to find the missing parts. Chris gives us a glimpse into the life of Solomon and why he tells us that life under the sun is meaningless.
Why are we even looking for more? The first reason is because eternity has been implanted in us and causes us to long for more than we can experience here. Also because sin has separated us from the One who gives true contentment. This is why the resurrection is so significant!
The good news is that the cap has been blown off the terrarium! The barrier can now be penetrated and we now see it’s possible to get there. Chris gives us the results of the resurrection: The first is that Jesus’ resurrection reveals Jesus as our Messiah King. One day he will return to establish His throne on the earth and rule over His kingdom – over all creation. The next result is that it is proof that Jesus’ teaching was and is truth that we can trust! It gives us confidence in His other promises that we are waiting to see fulfilled, such as His returning to see Him judge sinners and reward saints. Another result is that it allows us to enjoy the same powerful Holy Spirit that raised Christ. The Bible stresses innumerable blessings and benefits that are conferred on believers because of Jesus’ resurrection. The fourth result is that it is the precedent and pattern of our own. As His body was raised from the dead in complete health, so too will we rise and never experience pain, injury or death ever again. The last result is that it tells us this present world matters!
Chris wraps up his sermon with a call to action that you won’t want to miss!