Unrivaled Part 6 – Finding a Reason to Rejoice

Jul 25th 2018

Did you know that suffering is a normal part of Christian living?  Chris Brannon continues in our Unrivaled series by looking at rejoicing in suffering.  In the current climate of the American Church, there is a strong tendency in our preaching to be light on doctrine, but strong on addressing felt needs.  We must recognize that behavior is ultimately determined by our belief structure.  Suffering is  a normal part of Christian living.  Paul talks about the suffering he is going through on behalf of the gospel.  He tells us that he is rejoicing in his suffering.

Chris talks about six benefits of our suffering.  The first is that it helps us identify with the sufferings of Christ.  The next benefit is that, in suffering, we learn to trust in the supremacy of Christ.  Paul says in this passage that he learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger.  This secret is the supremacy of Christ.  Another benefit is that it connects us to others who are suffering.  Empathy for others and wisdom is gain through suffering, enabling us to lovingly embrace those who are going through difficult times.  Suffering also does a maturing work in us.  It also prepares us to step into future glory.  The last benefit is that, through suffering, we learn more deeply how much God loves us.

Christ’s power is best displayed against the backdrop of human weaknesses so that God, alone, is praised.  Rather than removing the problem, God gave Paul grace in it.  This grace is sufficient!

Unrivaled Preaching Series