Unrivaled Part 12

Sep 02nd 2018

Identity is important in our life around us.  Jordan Brannon continues in our Unrivaled series by talking about who God says we are.  The concept of our identity is one of the key areas where many Christians struggle.  The more we grow up in our faith, the more our identity becomes secure in us.  Even for those who are more mature in their faith, there is a risk of not treating our identity as significant or thinking of it as a byproduct of our actions.  That’s not really the perception that the Bible gives us.

Our earthly identities are going to fade away.  When we build our identity  on things that are defined in this world, we are like the foolish builder in Matthew 7:24.  We’re building our ego, our sense of self worth or self value, up on something that will not last.  By contrast, our identity in Christ is eternal.  Whatever happens to here on this earth – whatever we do, whatever someone does to us, whatever happens around us, whatever changes our lives, our identity in Christ is eternal.  It cannot be taken away!

So how do we know what our identity in Christ is?  The answer is the Bible tells us.  Jordan gives us some verses to look up and remember that tell us who we are in Christ.  These verses tell us who God says we are.

Jordan leaves us with some questions for reflection:  What is my identity built around?  If I’m saved, does my identity in Christ govern those things, or is it secondary to them?  How secure is my identity based on what I’ve built it around?  How confident am I in my identity in Christ?  As a child of God, how often do I identify myself based on my works rather than based on promises of the Word of God?  Lastly, how often am I identifying my identity in Christ based on what I do not do, rather than what I do?  He challenges us to make changes based off of our answers to these questions.

Unrivaled Preaching Series