Commissioned Part 1 – Disciples and their Savior

Sep 30th 2018

What is the goal of our existence as Christians?  Is it any different from any other average American?  Are we truly a city on a hill?  Are we actually living as salt for society?  Chris Brannon kicks off our new Commissioned series by talking about what a disciple is.  It all starts with the way that we love God and others.  He gives us the following questions for self examination:

Has your relationship with Jesus significantly changed the way you live?

Are you willing to say to God that He can have whatever He wants?

Do you believe that wholehearted commitment to Him is more important than any other person or thing in your life?

Do you realize that nothing you do in this life will ever matter, unless it is about loving God and loving the people that He has made?

Is there evidence of the Kingdom of God in your life?

How much of your time, money, energy, creativity and thought are on the things of this world?

Are you satisfied with being “godly enough” to get yourself to heaven?

Are you trying to gauge your spirituality by comparing yourself to others?

Can you honestly say, along with Paul, “you want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death”?

He continues on and gives us six characteristics of a disciple.  The first one is that a disciple puts Kingdom first.  The second one is that a disciple is marked by self-sacrifice.  The third one is that a disciple obeys Jesus’ commands.  The next one is that a disciple is known by love.  Another one is that a disciple is a producer and not a consumer.  The last one is that a disciple reproduces.

Don’t waste your life, living selfishly with little impact on the world around us.  We were created for more.  God has placed within each of is the ability to impact lives around us for eternity!!

Commissioned Preaching Series 2018