Commissioned Part 7 – Disciples and their Mission

Nov 18th 2018

Each of us is commissioned to be a disciple.  That is undeniable.  However, it is also critical that each of us involve ourselves in making disciples.  Chris Brannon continues in our Commissioned series, talking about disciples and their mission.  In the body of Christ, there is a very important place for every person of every age group and experience level.  Jesus shows us three stages of discipleship.  The first is the “come and see” stage.  This is teach you what and why stage, like parenting.  The second stage is the “come and follow me” stage.  This stage is show you how and do it with you stage, like coaching.  The last stage is the “come and be with me” stage.  This is the stage to let you do it and deploy you, like cheer leading.  Much of the most effective training and mentoring happens not in the classroom, but as we walk on together through life.

Chris shows us how this applies to us and explains the relationships between Barnabas, Paul and Timothy.  We need to be a Barnabas.  Barnabas vouched for Paul to the apostles.  Had a never done that, Paul may not have been able to fulfill his calling.  Because of Barnabas’ influence, the Antioch church found a place for Paul and helped him develop trusted relationships and a respected teaching ministry.  We need to pursue a Paul.  Each of us needs a Paul in our life – a spiritual father or mother to help us navigate through life.  Even greater is the need we have to be groomed and built up so that we can be effective in the Kingdom of God.  Each of us also needs to train a Timothy.  We all need a Timothy in our life – someone with whom we will spend the time grooming, shaping, training, teaching and correcting.  A Timothy is someone you are discipling in the Christian faith.  Who can you be a Barnabas to and encourage?  Who can be a Paul to you and mentor you?   Who can be your Timothy and come under your mentorship?

God works through each of the relationships in our lives.  He uses a Paul to guide us.  He uses a Timothy to help us mature and He uses a Barnabas to challenge us.  In response, we should always be learning, teaching and loving.

Commissioned Preaching Series 2018