Commissioned Part 9 – Disciples and their World

Dec 02nd 2018

We should do no less than to love like Jesus loved, to give like Jesus gave and to extend ourselves on behalf of others like Jesus did.  Chris Brannon wraps up our Commissioned series talk about disciples and their world.  Being people who take Jesus’ commissioning seriously causes us to utilize our gifting to serve others in a way that will positively impact their lives.  It also causes us to sacrifice our time to benefit another.  We also give our money for a cause that will help relieve suffering and injustice.  The last thing it will cause us to do is exert our creative energies to help people see Jesus in the daily grind.

There are battles that we will face in being obedient to the Great Commission.  The first is we will need to work past our insecurities.  Another is getting overly engaged in this world without being agents of change in it.  Another battle we will face is being too wrapped up in our own plans and desires to have anything left to invest in the mission.  The last battle we will face is allowing ourselves to get spiritually depleted – needing the filling of the Spirit.

What is having a healthy view of our roll in the world fueled by?  The first thing is a vibrant relationship with Jesus.  We do this through time with Him, His Word and through worship.  The closer we are to Him and His heart for people, the stronger our passion to bring Him into their lives in whatever way He calls us.  The next thing are transparent connections.  We need to be a people who are learning to interact with God, making authentic connections with other believers.  Chris explains how transparent connections are different than living in community.  The last thing we are fueled by is global and local engagement.

How will you build?  What will be our legacy, both individually and collectively as a local body?

Commissioned Preaching Series 2018