Gifted, Called & Empowered Part 6 – The Gift of Tongues

Mar 10th 2019

Have you ever spoken in tongues or heard someone else speak in tongues?  Chris Brannon wraps up our sermon series, talking about the gift of tongues and interpretation.

There are three different types of tongues in the Bible.  The first is a missiological use of tongues.  This is when someone doesn’t know a language and is supernaturally given that language so that other might hear, in their own language, and come to Jesus Christ.  There is the use of tongues that is personal, used for building ourselves up.  The last is the corporate use of tongues that is for the building up of the church (when coupled with the gift of interpretation) through praise and worship to God.

Chris continues by explaining the difference between the gifts of tongues and prophecy.  When you bring a tongue, it is from man to God.  When a prophecy is given, it’s from God to man.

As a church, we eagerly desire to see supernatural breakthrough.  We want to see more people healed than have been healed.  We want to see more breakthrough into the ordinary from the Spirit of God.  Here at Cedar Springs, we are eager to see God do God stuff!

Gifted, Called & Empowered Preaching Series