Posts By: cedarsprings

Coronavirus Precautions

UPDATED INFORMATION AVAILABLE THROUGH THIS LINK.  Here is a letter from our Elder team to let you know what we’re doing at CSCC to take precautions against the spread of the virus: Dear Cedar Springers, As you are all aware, there have been confirmed cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the Puget Sound region. We want… Read more »

Winter Volunteer Schedule Available!!

Serving in a ministry is a fun way to get to know your church family and further the Kingdom of God. If you volunteer in any of Cedar Springs’ amazing ministries, your Winter Volunteer Schedule is now available at Connect. You can also find it online at or on your Church Center Services app…. Read more »

Volunteers Needed

We are always in need of lots of help. Areas to consider volunteering include: SpringsKids, Facilities, Tech, Worship, Food Pantry, and more! Sign up today!