How Can I Serve?

We take serving very seriously at Cedar Springs.

We can do more together than we can do apart!

Our thinking is that everyone who calls Cedar Springs their church should find some place to serve.

We are a Team!

From pastoring to making coffee, we believe all areas of life should be done in team.

Serving is a very high value at Cedar Springs, and has a direct impact on every member. Serving is a basic characteristic of the Christian life as we take our lead from Jesus Christ. We don’t just serve in order to get the job done, but rather to imitate Christ, to serve others, and to develop Godly maturity.

Cedar Springs is represented through a growing list of ministries. All of these ministries are aimed at connecting people with the grace of God, and all of them take people willing to serve.

Serving at Cedar Springs can be as simple as asking “Where am I needed?” It can also be very helpful to do a little self evaluation and determine what kinds of things that your abilities, experiences and passions make you best suited for.

What ever the outcome of these questions and evaluations, a place for you to serve is sure to be found. Every ministry, whether on Sunday morning or during the week, needs grace-filled people in and behind the scenes making them work.

So, you’ve thought about all of this and still don’t know where to help serve? Just ask us or check out the list of Volunteer Opportunities below!

Nursery (ages 0-3)

Spring’s Kids (ages 4-11)