Coronavirus Precautions

Posted by & filed under Note from the Pastors.


Here is a letter from our Elder team to let you know what we’re doing at CSCC to take precautions against the spread of the virus:

Dear Cedar Springers,

As you are all aware, there have been confirmed cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the Puget Sound region. We want you all to know that the leadership team of CSCC is taking the health and welfare of our church family very seriously. As a response to the current situation, we are taking the following action steps:


  • Our Springs Kids team continues to use disinfectant to clean the kid’s area and all toys.
  • The CSCC cleaning team continues to use disinfectant to clean the facility.
  • We will not be serving baked goods or coffee on Sunday!
  • As you arrive on Sunday, consider greeting people with a warm smile and a hello rather than a handshake.


To be clear, we are NOT aware of any Cedar Springers who have come in contact with the virus. This is all precautionary.


If you have a fever or are experiencing flu-like symptoms, we would encourage you to reach out to your Community Group for prayer and consider staying home on Sunday to get rest.


We are praying that anxiety and fear don’t govern your lives, rather that “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7) We also pray that we all find opportunity to share comfort, hope, and perhaps even supplies with our neighbors during this time.


We will be closely monitoring the situation and looking to the Center for Disease Control and the Pierce County Health Department for further action steps.


With Love,

The Cedar Springs Eldership Team





Pierce County Health Department



The Center for Disease Control