Harvest House Community Garden
Anyone with a passion for Christ and a love for Gardening
A sustainable community garden that educates our neighbors and provides healthy, sustainable food products.
Times vary
Cedar Springs NW in Graham, WA
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
- – Growing food for members of the community using sustainable gardening practices
- – Teaching others how to grow food while improving the environment
- – Providing a gathering place where all are welcome and valued
Harvest House Community Garden will be relocated next to Harvest House Food Pantry on the campus of Cedar Springs Community Church in 2018. The HHCG will supply fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs to Food Pantry patrons and community members. As often as possible, patrons will be invited to walk with us through the garden and help harvest exactly what they would like from the week’s available crops.
Our sustainable gardening practices, including Hugelkultur (raised beds constructed from decaying wood and composting plant materials) and Fruit Tree Guilds (sustainable polyculture), allow nature to work as it as intended, with minimal maintenance.
We look forward to having the chance to educate our neighbors on sustainable gardening, the importance of pollinators, enjoying the beauty of flowers, composting and other topics.
But at HHCG, building relationships is just as important as the gardening. We will strive to make our garden a place of strong community and fellowship.
Harvest Kids, our summer kids educational program will again be a hands-on approach to getting kids interested in gardening.
A strong and dedicated team of volunteers will be needed and recruited to help build and maintain the garden, as well as helping community members to get connected to the earth and to each other.
For more information on Harvest House Community Garden, email hhcg@cedarspringsnw.com