Preliminary Response to Church Reopening Guidelines

These are challenging times we are facing.

In nearly every facet of life, we are being stretched to live with questions and situations that are unfamiliar to us. We are navigating in uncharted waters. But for those of us who are in Christ, there is confidence that our Heavenly Father is above all the confusion and provides guidance to those who humbly come to Him.

As a team of elders, we desire to hear the voice of God as to how to lead the church through these times. We are doing our very best to seek His wisdom and direction while not being caught up in the emotion of the day and the polarizing influences in our society.  Since this challenge first began, we believe that God has been speaking to us, and leading us in our decision-making.

Here are some of the areas where we feel we clarity from God, through Scripture and the leading of His Spirit;

  • – We believe God is using His appointed instruments in the governmental structure to do a good work in His church.
  • – We are convinced that compliance with these appointed leaders is the expressed will of God for His church.
  • – We also firmly believe He is using this time to refine and clarify His vision for our church.
  • – We believe that God is leading us to focus on making disciples through smaller, more closely linked groups. We don’t see this in any way as a step back. It is an opportunity to grow up in our faith and build relationally with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • – We believe that the expressions of our faith as a church body must be defined by love, putting others before ourselves, and a desire to glorify God first.

Recently, Governor Inslee unveiled a plan to allow churches to begin to meet under certain circumstances, provided they follow specific requirements. You can read the requirements here ( The major points for churches are:

  • – Outdoor gatherings of up to 100 people are permitted for counties (like Pierce) in Phase 1.
  • – Indoor gatherings up to 50% of capacity or 50 individuals, whichever is less, in Phase 2.
  • – Both gatherings are subject to requirements about sanitization and cleaning, safe distancing, and more.

While this proclamation is a definite step forward in opening up churches for large gatherings, it creates many questions that must be answered before we step into that realm.

The elder team is working to identify ways to obey God by following those requirements, while also honoring our commitment to care for the entirety of our local church family.

What does that look like for us?

  • – A prophetic word was shared within the elder team that God is challenging us to a new thing. Like many churches, we have become dependent on a large auditorium and program to minister, pray and worship. God’s church has primarily worked (and often most effectively) through meaningful relationships, smaller group gatherings, and personal discipleship and mentorship. We believe COVID is a part of God’s work to restore these practices to high value and centrality in His global church.
  • – We believe that rather than attempt to facilitate a larger group gathering with significant restrictions that do not allow for a dynamic and full expression of worship, we should concentrate on encouraging practices that build up the Body in other ways.
  • – We are looking for small group leaders to gather a small group of people, meeting regularly to pray, share and teach the truth of Scripture. The goal of these groups is to make disciples and build relationships.
  • – The church building and grounds will be available for hosting these smaller groups as the Governor’s announcement and plan allows.
  • – We would encourage everyone to continue to join us on Sunday mornings at 10 for worship, preaching and follow up Zoom small groups.
  • – We will be working to identify the specific operations adjustments that are needed to safely reopen our building for larger gatherings.

Some ways for you to engage:

  • – Reach out to if you are interested in hosting a Zoom or in person small group. We’ll work with you to identify timing, format, and discuss content.
  • – As private restrictions and church organization restrictions are lifted, individual followers of Christ need to pursue actively the sharing of their faith, who are seeking out faithful mentors, and who are developing meaningful relationships with trusted brothers and sisters for encouragement, accountability and teaching.

We are looking forward to the time when we can all come together to worship, fellowship and experience the goodness of God in one place at one time. But for now, let’s utilize this time to grow closer to one another and to the Lord through the means He has made available to us.


Love you all,

The Eldership Team