Safe Operating Guidelines


Our church believes that by being obedient to our earthly authorities (as God commands us in Scripture), we are better witness in our communities. Further, we also believe we best show love for one another by being mindful of the health and wellness of those who choose to worship with us in our gatherings. Below are the guidelines and requirements for visitors and attendees of our church services:

  • – If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been in contact with someone who has, please do not attend public gatherings for a minimum of 14 days. Do contact us so we can pray for you and ensure you remain connected in other ways.
  • – Please perform a self-screening for you and your family before attending a church gathering. If you are feeling sick or running a temperature over 100.4 degrees, please do not attend church.
  • – Observe safe distancing guidelines on church grounds. Refrain from greetings that require physical contact (like handshakes or hugs). Try and maintain 6 feet of separation between you and other attendees.
  • – Masks are required for all attendees, except those under the age of 2 and those with a medical exception. Masks must be worn before, during, and after service. We will have masks available for all visitors if you do not have one.
  • – Children’s church and nursery will not be available until further notice.
  • – Please do your part to help maintain cleanliness throughout our gatherings.


Church Occupancy Limits:

Phase 2:  Indoor Gatherings Limited to 25% capacity or 200 Persons whichever is less (limits as of June 18, 2020)

Phase 3: Indoor gatherings limited to 50% capacity or up to 400 people, whichever is less (limits as of June 18, 2020).

Hold outdoor services on the church’s property with up to 100 individuals, excluding staff.

Coming and Going:

  1. 1. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 and attended a Cedar Springs function in the last 14 days, please call the church, so we can anonymously inform our congregation and work with the health officials in our county.
  2. 2. Please perform self-screening prior to coming to church.  If you or anyone in your household are feeling sick or have a temperature of 100.4 or more, please do not attend church.  If you have been in contact with someone within the last 14 days who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not come to church, but call us, so we can pray for you and help you navigate watching the sermon online.  (WA Requirement #15)
  3. 3. Please feel free to greet each other with a “Hello!”, but please no handshakes or hugs at this time.
  4. 4. When possible, maintain at least 6 feet between you and others around you, unless they are in your immediate household.  (WA Requirement #12)
  5. 5. The main doors to the Foyer and Auditorium will be open.  Greeters will maintain 6 feet of separation.
  6. 6. Please do not enter or exit the church in any way, other than the front doors.  The only areas that will have access are the Auditorium, Foyer and the Main Bathrooms (off the Foyer).  (WA Requirement #3)



  1. These areas of the church will be cleaned and sanitized prior to and after Sunday Worship Service (WA Requirement #10):
    1. – Auditorium
    2. – Foyer
    3. – Bathrooms
    4. – Doors and Frequently Touched Surfaces
  2. All spaces used outside of Sunday Worship will be sanitized. (WA Requirement #10)
  3. Soap is provided for use in each bathroom for washing hands. (WA Requirement #8)
  4. Bathroom doors will be propped open.  Please limit 2 persons at one time in the bathroom.  Individuals waiting to use the bathroom must maintain at least 6 feet of distance between each person. (WA Requirement #7)
  5. Hand sanitizers will be provided for use in the Foyer, Café and Auditorium. (WA Requirement #8)
  6. Facial masks must be worn by all individuals that are medically able and not under the age of 2.  They must be worn before, during and after service.  Masks will be provided for those without access to one of their own.  (WA Requirement #4)
  7. Tissues and trash cans will be available for use.  (WA Requirement #14)
  8. Disinfectants will be available for use and kept in supply.  (WA Requirement #9)



  1. Chairs will be removed to allow for households to sit together, but not be closer than the CDC-recommended 6 feet to other church families.  (WA Requirement #12)
  2. Those that desire to sing during worship, please keep your mask on.  (WA Requirement #6)
  3. The offering baskets will not be passed during the service.  Please drop your offering in the Connect Card Box on your way in or out of the service.  You can also mail a check or give online at
  4. Please do not bring communal food or drinks to share to church.  Our Brewed Awakenings coffee stand will not be open during this time.
  5. The bread and cup for communion will be in pre-packaged single portions that are picked up by individuals and not passed out by ushers.  (WA Requirement #5)
  6. Ventilation systems will be operated as applicable in the building to prevent the stagnation of the air.  (WA Requirement #13)


Spring’s Kids and Nursery:

  1. Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot have Spring’s Kids or the nursery open.  This is to limit contact between families.
  2. Please bring your children with you to the auditorium to worship with us.  Please, have a discussion with your children, prior to coming to the church, on the importance of following these guidelines.


At-Risk Individuals:

  1. The CDC has designated certain groups of our population as being more at risk of having serious complications due to the virus, and recommends that individuals in these at-risk groups take extra precautions in order to not contract this highly-contagious disease.  According to the CDC, these groups include the elderly (age 65 and older), those with underlying health conditions, and those with disabilities.  For more information, visit
  2. If you are a person in one of these categories, you are advised by the CDC to take extra precautions.  These extra precautions may include staying home, where you can watch and/or listen to the worship service online.


Known Cases of COVID-19

  1. Cedar Springs will notify the church body (via email and/or phone call) if we know anyone in the congregation that has tested positive for COVID-19.
  2. If we know of any positive cases of COVID-19 in our church body, and they attended an in-person service, Cedar Springs will notify everyone in the church and the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, and advise the church body to follow the 14 day self-quarantine guidelines of the State Department of Health:

  1. If, at any time, according to the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department COVID-19 Surveillance Report, there are more than 5 positive cases in the Graham area and 23 positive cases in Pierce County within the last 2 weeks in one day, Cedar Springs will not have an in-person worship service until at least 14 days after the announcement.



  1. This document will be emailed to members of Cedar Springs and be posted in the following locations (WA Requirement #1):
    1. Cedar Springs Website
    2. Entry into the Church
    3. Foyer
    4. Auditorium
  2. CDC, DOH and OSHA signs will be prominently displayed as appropriate in the following locations (WA Requirement #2):
    1. Entry into the Church
    2. Foyer
    3. Auditorium
    4. Bathrooms
  3. Those places that are not being used during service or other gatherings at the church will be posted “DO NOT ENTER”.


COVID-19 Safety Training:

  1. Each church staff member will go through COVID-19 safety training to be better prepared.
  2. This training will be done individually as is safe per WA state guidelines.