Book of John Part 2: The Messenger and the Message

Jun 30th 2019

Do you know John’s story?  Chris Brannon continues in our series by telling us the story of John and his message.  The attitude we need to have in this world, as witnesses to the life and message of Christ is the same as that of John.  He was humble and knew that he was nothing, but Christ Jesus is everything.

Book of John Part 1 – Jesus: Word, Light and Grace

Jun 27th 2019

John is unique in his powerful presentation of Christ as the Great Creator God of the universe.  Chris Brannon kicks off our new Book of John series by talking about the purpose of the Gospel of John.  It’s no small thing that John begins his gospel, “In the beginning was the Word…”.  We know from Genesis that God created everything that was by speaking, by His word.  Jesus is the active agent in creation.

Book of John Preaching Series