Grace at Work Part 3

Dec 14th 2015

Chris Brannon wraps up our Grace at Work series with Titus 2:11-14.  He shares with us how we were created for good works.  This world is not our home. We were made for another place. We are eternal beings living in a transient world. We need to invest our time, talents and treasures where it matters. Our hearts and treasures are inseparable. Matthew 6:21 tells us that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. Where is your treasure?  Join us Sundays at 10am!

Grace at Work Part 2

Dec 07th 2015

The miracle of God’s grace is the foundation for our growth in godliness and holiness.  Grace motivates and empowers us to live pure, holy lives that represent Jesus Christ accurately.  Without this solid understanding of God’s lavish grace, we are left to pursue godly living through our own efforts, our own righteousness.  Listen as Chris Brannon speaks on Grace that Trains in the second sermon of our Grace at Work series.  He shows us how grace trains us to say “no” to ungodliness and worldy passions.  It also trains us to say “yes” to living sensibly, righteously and godly.  Join us Sunday morning at 10am as we continue our Grace at Work series.

Grace at Work Part 1

Dec 01st 2015

Chris Brannon starts a new series on Titus 2:11-14.  He shows us that there are two distortions regarding grace: merit-based salvation and confusing the grace of God for self-indulgence and decadence.  He also tells us about the enemies of our justification.  Join us Sundays at 10am as we continue our Grace at Work series.

Grace at Work Preaching Series