On Mission Together Part 5

Feb 01st 2016

We welcome home, guest speaker, John Orton, as he continues in our current series with a sermon on Reproducing Churches.  The church is the means and the end of the mission that we are on. God is determined to build His church and has set us on mission together with Christ.  Listen as John gives us three main parts of a reproducing church.  Join us Sundays at 10am as we continue in our series of being on mission together!

On Mission Together Part 4

Jan 25th 2016

How involved are you with the poor?  Justin Henderson speaks on the church as a refuge for the poor.  He shows us that there are three kinds of poor, not just the ones lacking basic, everyday necessities.  Justin also tells us what we need to do with the poor and what involvement we should have.  While listening, ask yourself what your involvement is with the poor?  What can you be doing if you are not involved?  Join us Sundays at 10am as we continue our On Mission Together sermon series.

On Mission Together Part 3

Jan 19th 2016

Why do we do what we do?  Whether it be good or bad, we are all driven by something, even if that something is nothing!  Listen as Chris Brannon continues in our series of being on mission together.  He helps us to understand what God wants from us as we love Him and others.  Join us this Sunday at 10am as we continue in this amazing series!

On Mission Together Part 1

Jan 07th 2016

You are part of the body of Christ and He gave us our talents to use for that reason!  Listen as Justin Henderson starts off our new sermon series, entitled On Mission Together, by speaking about the blessings of the body of Christ.  There are so many blessings, but the real blessing of the church is found in commitment.  Justin shows us what commitment requires from us and challenges us to think about our own commitment.

On Mission Together Preaching Series