2 Timothy Part 1

Jun 12th 2017
Graham church

If there was ever a prime candidate for discouragement, Paul was it!  Chris Brannon starts a new series in 2 Timothy.  In this book, Paul was speaking words to Timothy that he hoped would stick.  Paul was soon to be killed by Nero, so these words were more important than ever!  The purpose of this letter was to encourage Timothy to endure in his faith, to say good bye and to give final instructions to Timothy and the church.  What is your spiritual heritage?  Who has God used to move you?  We are challenged to build up those who are coming behind us in the next generation, as Paul did with Timothy.  Chris gives us just a few things that disciple making is:  relational, personal, biblically-based, intentional, transformational and reproducible.

He also asks some questions for us to think and pray on:  Is there a Timothy in your life?  Is there a Barnabas in your life?  From whom are you learning to better love God and love people?  Who are you helping to know Jesus better/to understand scripture and to navigate this world through the lens of God’s principles and commands?  Who is it in your life that you gain encouragement from to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?  If you can’t answer these questions, pray and seek for God to give you the answers.

2 Timothy Preaching Series