2 Timothy Part 2 – Firing Up the Gift of God

Jun 18th 2017
Graham church

God is a gift giver.  How do we respond to God’s generosity?  By not neglecting or choking out the gift!  Chris Brannon continues in our 2 Timothy series.  He gives us four factors that can choke out the fire:  willful sin, neglect, others and fear.  We are to develop the gifts that God has given us – fan it into flame!  Take what God has given you and set it on fire.  Chris also gives us four ways that we can discover our gifts:  by our desires and abilities, by serving, by recognition from others and by effectiveness.  Then he tells how we can develop our gift:  by training and learning and by the experience of serving with evaluation.  Use your gifts now! Serve the Lord now!  Get involved now!

There are two important thoughts for you to ponder on:  1. Fear of failure comes from the devil. He whispers to us, “You aren’t qualified to do this. You aren’t important, you can’t. You don’t have what it takes.” Those thoughts don’t come from God and 2. Never believe the devil, even when he speaks the truth. Why? Because he uses truth for the wrong reasons. He is a liar from the beginning and will twist the truth to keep you from serving the Lord!

2 Timothy Preaching Series