Book of John Part 3: Come and You Will See

Jul 07th 2019

What are you seeking?  Joe Crocker continues in our series in the Book of John.  He shows us what we see and know about why Andrew and John left John the Baptist.  How would you answer Jesus’ question of what are you seeking?  It’s a question in this context so profound that it should shake us to the core.  Some are seeking money, more wealth, assets and more “stuff”.  Others are seeking success and a good reputation.  Some of us look to anything that will provide us security and comfort.  Others seek for happiness, often in the wrong places.  Maybe it’s your career, maybe it’s a relationship or your family.  Potentially, it’s your social media status.  Jesus asked the question because He wanted to know what they desired.

Jesus is inviting us to “come and see”.  On the other level of “come and see”, Jesus is inviting us to be changed.  The very core of who we are is changed when we get His invitation!

All of us come to faith in Jesus through various methods, but it should never be forced.  People have to come to faith in their own time and way.  People are invited to “come and see” and this is what one must base their verdict on about who Jesus is.  Jesus takes seekers, He takes the unlikely, He reaches others in sovereign ways and He even overcomes objections.  Those who come will have a chance to see God because this is the central message that is the overarching idea of John’s Gospel.  This is your God!!  Jesus is your God!!

Book of John Preaching Series