Book of John Part 7 – Roles & Rewards

Aug 04th 2019

What rises in your heart at the thought of Jesus giving another person a more prominent role in His wedding?  Chris Brannon continues in our series talking about roles and rewards.  John’s disciples understood his mission.  He had come to prepare the way for the Hope of Israel.  It was an exciting time and they were right in the middle of it all, until they weren’t.  John’s ministry was being eclipsed by the ministry of Jesus.  Loyal disciples of John were jealous for John and felt threatened themselves as well.  It would have been easy for John to assert himself, but he didn’t.  He humbly passed the torch to Jesus.

It doesn’t matter who we are, no matter what arena of life we are engaged with, sooner or later our lives will be eclipsed.  The most famous, successful or competent will one day be asked to take a lesser role, and we all need to know how to react in such a time.

We must remember that our role is not our reward.  Jesus is our reward.  Roles will begin and they will end and the only way for us to end well is if, in our hearts, Jesus has increased and we have decreased.

Book of John Preaching Series