Commission Part 1

Jan 18th 2017
Graham church

Why do we do church?  Chris Brannon kicks off a new series focused around the Great Commission of Jesus and how it practically applies to each of us.  He goes into more detail about how it pertains to Cedar Springs in light of our upcoming move to our new campus.  Learn what  the vision is for Cedar Springs and what we are all about.  Chris also gives us specific things we can do to be a part of this amazing transition:

*Pray and continue seeking God for this transition:

-Pray for the building renovation to continue moving along

-Pray for the finances to continue coming in to complete the renovation

-Pray for the hearts of our new neighbors to be softened and accepting toward the Gospel and the message of grace

-Pray for the Gospel to go out with power to reach those whom the Holy Spirit is already calling

-Pray for compassion to grow inside of us for the hurting, broken and oppressed all around our new campus

-Pray for strategies to break into the neighborhoods around us

-Pray for all of us to step up into the servants’ role in whatever way is needed

*Continue to pursue generosity in your financial commitment toward the building renovation

*Ask the Lord to reveal to you new areas in which you can put your God-given talents to use through serving in some ministry in the church

Join us over the next few Sundays while we continue in this series.  Sundays at 10am!

Commission Preaching Series