Faithful God Part 1 – Hard Times and the Providence of God

Dec 09th 2018

Do you know what the advent season truly is?  Chris Brannon starts a new series in Ruth.  It’s a story that shows how “God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform”.  It’s also a story for people who wonder where God is when there are no dreams or visions or prophets.  This story is for people who wonder whether a life of integrity in tough times is worth it.  And it’s a story for people who can’t imagine that anything great could ever come of their ordinary lives of faith.  The book of Ruth is a refreshing and encouraging book.

There are four lessons that we can learn from Ruth.  The first lesson is that God’s rule is sovereign.  He rules the nations and He rules families.  The second lesson is that God’s providence is mysterious.  His providence is sometimes very hard.  The third less is that God’s grace is sufficient.  Not only does God reign in all the affairs of men, and not only is His providence sometimes hard, but in all His works His purposes are for the good and happiness of His people.  The last lesson that we can learn from Ruth is that God uses death to produce life.

Faithful God