Gifted, Called & Empowered Part 1 – Getting On Board With The Gifts Of The Spirit

Jan 27th 2019

God has not just given us this mission, He gave us the gifts of the Spirit to accomplish it.  Tom Maus kicks off our new series by introducing us to the Spiritual Gifts.  He starts off by telling us what the gifts are.  There are motivational gifts, five-fold gifts and gifts of the Spirit.  The gifts of the Spirit are words of wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits and tongues.

We are in a spiritual war and need the gifts to fight the battle!  God wants to use them to build up the body of Christ.  We need them to become the family in the fellowship that He wants us to be.  Are you aware of the gifts and value them?  Do you know what gifting God has blessed you with?

Gifted, Called & Empowered Preaching Series