Gifted, Called & Empowered Part 2

Feb 03rd 2019

God is the ultimate gift giver!  Chris Brannon continues in our series on Spiritual gifts.  God has given us forgiveness, grace, redemption, the Holy Spirit and an eternal reward.

What is the purpose of spiritual gifts?  What does God intend us to do with these gifts He’s given to us?  Spiritual gifts are not for the purpose of building ourselves up, increasing our status or stature in the group we run with.  There are a few things that we should keep in mind as we consider them:  gifts can vary in strength, can and should be developed, and are tools for ministry and not necessarily related to Christian maturity.

You shouldn’t bend your mind too much trying to label your spiritual gift before you use it.  The way to think is this:  the reason we have spiritual gifts is so that we can strengthen other people’s faith.  We should seek to desire to strengthen faith in others.  When you become this kind of person, the Holy Spirit will not let your longings go to waste.  He will help you find ways to strengthen the faith of others, and that will be the discovery of your gifts.  We should also seek to encourage others by our faith.


Gifted, Called & Empowered Preaching Series