God Is Love Part 7

Jul 20th 2015

Justin Henderson teaches from 1 John 2:12-14.  We are called to build one another up.  John took the initiative to write a letter of love to encourage the body of believers.  Our words have so much power and we need to use them to encourage, not tear down. John refers to little children, fathers and young men in this passage.  He is not referring to physical little children, fathers and young men, but children in the faith, fathers in the faith and young men in the faith.  Listen to Justin as he addresses each stage of faith.  He wraps up with two questions to think about:  1. What are some instances in your life that remind you of God’s faithfulness?  2. How long has it been since you have truly experienced and heard from God? What steps can you take to improve your time with God?  Join us Sundays at 10am as we continue our God Is Love preaching series.

God Is Love Preaching Series