Miraculous Part 1 – Jesus Feeds the 5,000

Aug 08th 2016

Jesus did many amazing miracles!  Justin Henderson kicks off a new sermon series on the miracles of Jesus.  Matthew 14:13-21 talks about Jesus feeding the 5,000 people with very few fish and loaves of bread.  This miracle shows us that God always knows what we need and asks us to ask Him to provide for us.  Listen as Justin goes through  what God gives us on a regular basis:  strength for enduring hardships, power to say “no” to sin, the Holy Spirit for mission, wisdom for dealing with life, forgiveness for sin and Christ Himself!  He is enough for us and time and time again He proves it!  Join us Sundays at 10am as we continue in this amazing series about the miracles of Jesus.

Miraculous Preaching Series