Parables Part 2 – The High Cost of Kingdom Living

Apr 15th 2018

Is entrance into the Kingdom of God free or is there a cost attached?  Chris continues in our Parables series with two different parables.  All those who have run to Christ and been raised with Him, rejoice in the free gift of grace that has been lavishly poured out onto us.  They know that He has attached no contingencies.  Salvation is free to the sinner who repents.  It is a gift received by faith alone, not a reward to be purchased or earned through good works of any kind.  But is there a cost attached?  If so, what is it?  How much is He asking for in return?  What is Jesus asking of us?

There are three truths revealed in these parables.  The first is that the Kingdom of God is priceless in value.  The treasure includes salvation, forgiveness, love, joy, peace, virtue, goodness and eternal life in Heaven.  The second is that the Kingdom of God is hidden from most.  People are blind to the riches of the kingdom.  The last is that the Kingdom of God has a high cost attached.

Chris leaves us with some questions for reflection:

-Do you choose what is popular over what is right when you are in conflict?

-Are you more concerned about being saved from the penalty of your sin than being saved from your sin?

-Do you give of yourself – time, money, talents, energy, creativity – as long as it doesn’t impinge on your personal comfort or standard of living?

-Are you more concerned about being rejected for your faith by your peers than received by Jesus for sharing your faith?

-Are you satisfied being “good enough” when compared to the secular world?

-Does God truly receive first-love status or is He relegated to second or third-tier pursuits?

-Would you see yourself as consistently playing it safe when it comes to Kingdom initiatives?

-Is your love for others unconditional or is it selective, focused primarily on those who love you in return?

-Have you placed limits on how far you are willing to go in serving God?

-Do you think more about life here and now on Earth than you do eternity in Heaven?

Parables Preaching Series