Proverbs Part 3 – Living a Generous Life

Feb 20th 2018

What does the word “generous” mean?  Chris Brannon continues is our series, speaking on living a generous life!  He gives us some examples from the Bible of living a generous life and tells us why we should be generous.  There are a lot of benefits of generosity!  Radical generosity is an act of love toward God and toward others that exponentially increases love.  Another benefit is that generosity breaks the power of money over us.  So, what does generosity look like?  Generosity is cheerful, surrendering, obedient, sows bountifully and trusts in the wisdom and provision of God.

Chris gives us some questions to help us gain perspective regarding our generosity factor:

-How much time do you spend each month as a volunteer helping others?

-How much money do you give to charitable organizations annually?

-How do you give away your God-given abilities?

-Are you able to joyfully give when a need is presented?

-Do you try to rationalize your lack of generosity?

-Are you growing in sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s call to generosity?

Proverbs Preaching Series