Unrivaled Part 9 – Filled, Raised & Made Alive in Christ

Aug 12th 2018

Chris Brannon continues in our Unrivaled series, talking about being filled, raised and made alive in Christ.  This is the same message that Paul was communicating to the Colossian Christians – they needed only Christ.  Paul is seeking to refute the Gnostic heresy which was invading the Church at Colosse.  The heretics were saying that Christ alone was not enough to save a person.  They were adding to the death of Christ, circumcision, the ceremonial aspects of the Mosaic law, and the worship of angels as conditions for salvation.  They said a person must have Chris AND circumcision AND the worship of angels AND the ceremonial law to be saved.

We must remember that Christ plus anything equals works.  True salvation is all of grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.


Unrivaled Preaching Series